dijous, 12 de maig del 2016

my first post on te blog in 4th ESO:https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5916409103507515579#editor/target=post;postID=5128736230342326475;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=100;src=postname
my last composition was: https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5916409103507515579#editor/target=post;postID=3399137654936509961;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=1;src=postname
I've seen too much differnces in m first and last composition. First of all the differnces that I can see before read the compositions are they structure and her vocabulary because at my first composition there are only 3 lines and there unforgivable  faults because I wrote "i" instated of "I". Another difference that I have now from my fist composition was that now I can write a composition without the Internet because two yars ago I can't write a complete composition only about my knowladge about english but now I can write a good composition but only I need to find some ocabulary word or english expresions.

My first oral presentation:http://adricasas98.blogspot.com.es/2014/11/my-oral-presentation.html
My last oral presentation was the first oral presentation of second bachillerat because at the second term I didn't do the presentation about research project because I didn't finish yet.

At the oral presentations I don't see many diffecr

diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016


This summer like every summer I want to relax and disconnect of the course but I have some objectives for this summer: I want to pass the theoretical part of the car exam because you can do the theoretical part three months before of you 18 birthday and my birthday was the 24th of September, another objective was review the things that I do this course to pass the selectivitat exam at September, and the last objective was go to my village like every year at August because a change of scenery is always good.
Resultado de imagen de summer

Exams to the university

I will do the selectivitat at September because I flunk some subjects for May. At my exams to acces at the university I will do a comun part and the optional part. For the optional part I ried Byology, Maths and Earth sciences. The students can choose the third language, too, in my case I tried english, and the last thing that a student can choose was between phylosophy and history, I tried history evidently because I don't pass the philosophy exams.

The winners of the champions league.

The team with more champions legue is Real Madrid who have ten champions league and with the final of this year they can get the 11. The second team who have more champions was AC MIlan wich have seven champions league, the third was Bayern of Munich, FC Barcelona and Liverpool with 5 champions league.
A part of the big teams there are other teams who won the champions one year that is strange because are temams considereted smalls but they won a champions like: Steua Bucarest wich won the champions at 1986 or Red Star Belgrade wich won the champions at 1991.

Resultado de imagen de champions league

The final of the champions league 2016

This year at the final of the champions league there are two spanish teams, those teams are Real Madrid and Atletico the Madrid, these teams do a great work because anybody thinks that these teams reach to te final. The two spanish teams have eliminated big teams like FC Barcelona, Bayern, PSG...
The final this year was in Milan the 28th of May.

Resultado de imagen de final champions

Teen Given $45,000 After Policeman Arrested Her For Turning Him Down

Teen Given $45,000 After Policeman Arrested Her For Turning Him Down

Summary: A teen of seventeen years old who is called Natalie it has been compensated with 45.000$, because one day one pliceman called José Peniar who allegedly flirted with the teen and followed her as she tried to walk away. Then the policeman arrested Natalie for " being a smartass" and this is not legal. He proceeded to frisk her, taking special care to touch her breasts,  and at the end the teen has been awarded with 45000$, problaly to keep her mouth shut.

Personal opinion: I think that is a embarassed situation for the police and that José Pernian have to serve sentence and lose her job because he is implcated in 3 more cases.


Award: indemnización
Allegedly: presuntamente

And this is a photo of Natalie:

dissabte, 7 de maig del 2016


This third term of second of bachillerat I think that I improve my marks but the course didn't finish still,I will pass all the subjects of this third term and at May recover the subjects that I suspending at the first and second term.

Letter of Human Rights

to: Human Rights Commitee
subject: Human Rights violation, 19th April

Dear Sir,

I am writing to solve and expose to all the world several problems and human rights violations in my country, Spain, from the last years.
There are a lot of problems that began with the current government, there are evictions, unemployment, corruption, freedom of speech police abuses, and other human rights violations that are free of punishment because of laws of our Constitution.
Firstly, to improve the life of my country population it is necessary to create new jobs to drop the unemployment.
Secondly, another option to improve our lives is changing the laws to punish the illegal actions like the escape of taxes.
All these alternatives are simple to improve our situation, our particular economy and all our lives, in a supposed democratic country, where human rights are violated.

We look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Pau Fernández & Adrià Casas.
Adrià Casas
C/ Font d'en Illa nº27, Castelló Nou
Castelló d'Empúries, 17486
Mobile: 685200162

E-mail: adricasas98@gmail.com 

The Worst Week of the year

This last week of course of second of bachilerrat was so tired because I have important exams every day and a lot of homework too. Also in my case I have to deliver the aresarch project te 17th of May and do the oral presentation at the 23 of May.
The course finish the 18th of May and the next week there are recoveries and if I don't pass any subject I want to reviw at june because in june there are other recoveries.

Nurse Accused Of Killing Patients Took Selfies With One Of The Deceased

Sumary:Daniela Poggiali an Italian nurse has been arrested for allegdly killing dozens of patients,  Prosecutors suggest she killed the patients because they were “annoying” or had bothersome family members. One of Poggiali’s friend admitted to taking a photo of the accused murderer next to one of the victims last January.

Personal opinion: I think than Daniela is creazy because killing people it isn’t normal but she take selfies with the victims,too. Her friens, who’s taking the photos say: “She [Poggiali] was particularly euphoric and wanted to have a photo next to the dead body. I didn’t have the courage to say no, as she is a vindictive person. She used to give laxatives to patients only to make life difficult for nurses on the next shift.

Allegdly:  Presuntamente
Deny::  Negar